I've seen a few people do these types of videos, but seems how I am not a vlogger I thought I'd give you a little serotonin boost by hopefully giving you 100 little thoughts to smile at.
I love how a kiss on the nose makes me squeeze my eyes
I love the smell after it rains on a warm day
I love looking at the stars when it's dark out
I love the way dogs do the big stretch
I love the smell of an old book
I love the first crunch on fresh snow
I love when the temperature of the bath is just right when you first get in
I love squishing my toes into sand
And I love when you feel the waves pull the sand out from under your feet
I love when dogs get so excited, they wag their tails so hard, that their butt dances

I love when you find a pen that's just the best writer for your style
I love when autumn comes and the leaves are every colour
And I love when those leaves get crunchy on the ground
I love the corner pieces of brownies
I love being warm in bed when it's cold outside
And I love it even more when you get hear the rain bouncing off the window
I love the sound of a crackling fire
I love listening to people who speak in broken English (I wish I spoke more languages)
I love when someone gives you a gift and you get see how excited they are for you to open it
I love when you give someone a gift and they love it just as much as you

I love giving every animal I see a little back story and personality
I love freezing cold Coca-Cola when I'm hot
I love doing things by candle light
I love the smell of fresh laundry
I love when a stranger smiles at you and it hits you just right in the feels
I love how excited girls (and I) get when we have good pockets
I love how excited people (also myself) get to tell you about a bargain they got
I love random hugs for no reason
I love the smell of bakeries
I love seeing my friends succeed

I love the anticipation after a really good cliff hanger
I love how cute alpacas are
I love when I get to stroke the soft bit on a horses nose
I love seeing kids playing out in the street or on their bikes
I love seeing older people laughing
I love singing my heart out like I'm on stage while driving my car
I also love when you catch someone else doing it driving their car
I love the smell of real Christmas trees
I love popping bubble wrap
I love finding silly hats to wear

I love how great I feel when I get my lipstick just right
I love when you wake up and your hair is just right (even though it doesn't happen much)
I love the way little kids have their own little language
I love how adorable baby clothes are, they're so tiny!
I also love when a baby in public fixes on you and you get to make stupid faces to try and get them to laugh
I love looking through old photos
I love going to markets and finding people selling things they've made with so much passion
I love making up names for strangers they'll never hear like "go on Mickey you're bossing that run!" and "Oh Linda your car's not going to fit in that space"
I love those moments when you just step outside yourself and think life is good
I love floating around on water

I love finding something really obscure in a charity shop
I love when you move chickens bodies their head stays still
I love the tummy wobbles you get when you go over a hill really fast
I love that every time I go through a road lined with trees we declare "tree tunnel!"
I love long sleeves that cover your hands
I love when good food hits just right and you do a little happy dance
I love dancing
I love that we can't pass kids toys in shops without testing them
I love when the sky goes that pinky/orange colour at sunset
I love watching lightening and listening to thunder storms

I love making patterns in sand
I love watching gross zit popping videos
I love making lists to sooth my mind
I love lying in hammocks
I love when you close your eyes and face up to the sun and you can feel that heat on your face
I love trying to solve puzzles
I love any excuse to dress up in costumes
I love how good a nap can feel after a tiring day
I love watching cartoons
I love doing arts and crafts

I love how cosy oversized clothes are
I love when I find something online that someone I love will just love and tagging them in it
And I love when someone tags me in something and I know they've thought of me and care
I love when you notice show's little Easter eggs or hidden nods to things
I love when you're gaming online and you just come across good people
I love when you see something so wholesome it just restores your faith in people
I love when you're up a height and can see for miles
I love when you rediscover old jewellery or clothes you haven't seen in ages
I love the feeling when you have new hair
I also love the feeling when you have new nails

I love organising surprises for people
I love that moment at the theatre or cinema when the lights go down and you snuggle into your seat ready for the show
I love the sound of brass instruments
I love when you first get off the plane on holiday and the world just smells different
I love the way animals look insanely comfy while they sleep
I love that moment when you're laughing with friends and just can't stop or catch your breath
I love that you can communicate with loved ones with just a glance
I love when song lyrics are just clever
I love how free being in the middle of nowhere feels
I love learning about conspiracy theories

I love true crime documentaries
And I love pretending I'm a detective that could easily solve the case while watching true crime documentaries
I also love pretending I'm an expert baker when I watch Great British Bake Off
I love finding little quirky shops
I love getting lost on road trips
I love eating Chinese food
To be honest, I'm a foodie, I love food
I love having the confidence to blog
I love taking photos
Finally, I love that you've took the time to read this full list
I hope this list worked and made you smile. If anything you've gotten a chance to know me better.