So you all know how much I hate long winded "how to" posts so here's my mini introduction to the stressful event which was creating my fire without a chimney. First things first, when we moved into the house the chimney was already sealed and plastered over. Fitting a new one was going to be an expensive headache. No thank you. So I thought, no big deal, we don't need a fire.
Honestly when winter came I thought I was living in the middle of the Alps in a wooden shack it was so cold without a fire. You may think that sounds a bit extra, (which we all know is unusual for me... lol) but I swear one morning I got up and could see my own breath. The only fire which was going to be easy, was an electric one. So, queue the blog post!

Here's how we all started. I bought the fire at an absolutely bargain price of £45 from B&Q, in fact, although this is not a sponsored post B&Q is my source for nearly everything here. There was two options here, the next fire up was double the price at £110. After looking at all the spec's the only difference was that the more expensive one was a whole 1 inch taller and wider... no thank you. It really pushes out that heat and looks very wooden cabin homely.
I had previously bought two hanging brackets from Pound Land and hung them either side of where the fire place was going to be. I know this isn't for everyone but it's completely my style. I bought two lanterns to hang from these which I place candles inside. It makes a beautiful glow against the Moroccan Flame wall. But if my mood changes I can swap the lanterns for hanging plants or anything really.
This is were it got... tricky. I bought the slate tiles from B&Q in a sale, six tiles for £5. Just call me the bargain hunter. I also bought two pieces of treated wood to make my frame for the fire place with, totalling about £7. The support posts for the frame were originally one bigger post. It took some doing, and a friend to help with a table saw, but we managed to cut it perfectly in half for symmetry.
You may remember my £1 per bottle spray paint from my previous post, How to Make a Coffee Table, it's my favourite. The spray paint was sprayed straight over the wood without a primer. This gave it a burnt wood look with the grain very visible but also having great, even coverage.
Once it was up however, I didn't like it. After all the effort I ditched the posts. I want it stated that I ditched the posts because I didn't like them... it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact I had stored the wood poorly and it had warped. So, yeah.
To be honest, by not having the posts and lengthening the tiled area it did leave a more clean open look, which I love. Here is my finished product, I don't think the pictures do the comfy level justice. Day time and night time is a lovely transition. Hope you like it!