First things first, this is not a paid advertisement. I am, by far, not popular enough!
As modelled by my beautiful Lucy, our Lurcher/Greyhound cross, our old sofa was very sad looking. When we first got our house we had nothing, and I got it from an old friend out the back of his van for free. Beggers can't be choosers, we needed a sofa and lets be honest... it could have been a lot worse. It's clean, nearly new, all the cushions.
As we've moved on decorating the house on our thrifty shoe-string budget we decided to see if we could spice up our sofa. The particular sofa cover which I bought was on Amazon, the link is below
For £25 whats the worse that could happen! Let me tell you, an argument nearly happened while we were trying to fit the cover. It is completely a two man job unless you have the patience of a saint. It's fiddly and involves a millions minor adjustments (especially if you get a bit of a perfectionist feeling like me) but once it's on it makes the world of difference. We're now thinking about getting another one for our larger sofa, however, a debate has broke out about whether or not to get the same pattern or if that is just too much pattern for large pieces of furniture in the same room. I will update, once I win.
I just felt I would share this little "hack" because I know it's easy to get yourself down about your home when you have dreams of what you want it to look like but don't have the money to achieve those goals.
Here is the full complete look, unfortunately, we lost our model. Lucy didn't always live with us and she can be a worried when things change or we bring new things into the house. This is her forever home now but she's still checking out the new sofa look is not dangerous while I was writing this post. Bless her.
