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Original Halloween Costume Ideas

Writer's picture: Annie TaylorAnnie Taylor

Halloween is one of my favourite times of the year. It's a holiday where there's no presents or cards, no obligatory contact with relatives you avoid, you just get to dress up and eat chocolate and sweets. It's so pure in that sense. I also love dressing up. Halloween also means I can wear outfits which I would love to wear all year round but wouldn't be "socially acceptable".

However, as the years roll on by it gets harder and harder to come up with original costume ideas. I have always been of the opinion that at Halloween you must go hard or go home. High effort costumes are the best costumes and I've put together a small collection of my favourite, high effort, original costume ideas to hopefully inspire you this Halloween.

Famous celebrity couple dressed up as characters from Beetlejuice for Halloween.
Beetlejuice Wedding Halloween Costume

We'll start with a classic. Now yes, people might say Beetlejuice is not original, but when it comes to Beetlejuice costumes it's the effort that makes them great. Anyone can whack some striped "suit" on but, as this photo shows, the high effort to match the outfits to the movie as well as their hair and make up is what makes this costume most effective.

Two boys dress as the different stages of Gremlins for Halloween.
Gremlin Transformation Costumes

How adorable is this? I think it's a great idea and can be used for couples, friends, siblings any pair of people! It's also a costume that's not often seen, I think that's because it is high effort. But lets face it, totally worth it!

Boy dressed as if he is being abducted by aliens for Halloween.
Alien Abduction Costume

I love this idea and I haven't seen many like it at all. It's such a simple concept but executed perfectly. I was thinking about doing this for Halloween this year, however it's going to have to wait because we have something planned already. I think that's another thing I love about Halloween, most costumes can transcend age adult or child I will always love an alien abductee costume.

Beetlejuice character costumes for Halloween.
Beetlejuice Barbra and Adam Costumes

This is the ultimate high effort costume. I wouldn't even know where to begin putting something like this together. All I know is I'm jealous, because it is an outstanding look! Is it practical? Absolutely not. Is it worth it? Absolutely yes!

Boy uses paper to make own dot to dot Halloween costume.
Dot-to-Dot Halloween Costume

This idea is so simple but so effective and although this example is a child-friendly fisherman you could use whatever design you like to make it more dark. I love the 2D effect. Costumes which mess with your eyes a bit are always winners. Using make up to look like a computer glitch, a sketch or like you've walked out the pages of a comic is a skill and it's always awesome.

Two girls dress up as characters from Holes for Halloween.
Holes Halloween Costume

I bloody loved this movie, in fact I haven't met anyone that didn't. Sure it's not ground breaking cinema but it's just good! This may not look high effort, but the attention to detail is inspiring and I think that's what makes a good costume. Like I mentioned in the first Beetlejuice costume, going that little bit extra is everything!

So you may be wondering, what am I doing this Halloween? This Halloween me and the other half are going to a Halloween party hosted by a friend, she's having kids and adults so it's more of a family friendly affair. We don't really know many of her friends, this fact is important for our costumes. We are going to hit up the charity shops and put together an outfit out of the most horrendous, ugly, crazy clothing we can find. And then at the party if someone asks what we're dressed as we have to remain deadly serious and answer "oh we just didn't have time to get a costume this year". First one to cave in and tell the truth loses. But don't worry I'll be sharing a picture for you all to laugh at!


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