If you haven't heard of PostSecret it is a page where you can anonymously send in a written secret to get it off your chest. Because you're submitting a physical post the design and depth of your offloading can be a beautiful or as painful as you'd like. There's no judgement, no comments, no further explanations just the peace of letting go a secret or realising you're not alone reading someone else's.

This particular secret is one I found I could relate to. There are some things that I thought just weren't in the cards for me, no matter how much I wished they could come true. I could never see a way for me to get my own home, I always thought I'd be stuck in jobs unsatisfied because I dreamed of working for myself, I didn't think I would have my own family. Simple things which I think people take for granted that they'll just happen. That some how that is just the way life flows and you grow up, get a job, move out, get a partner, be a family, work to live and then die surrounded by loved ones. But it's just not that simple for some people.
I made it into my late twenties before I got a home, I may never have my own children but I have an amazing step-daughter. All my old friends might be getting married but I left a toxic, damaging relationship I was in for years and found someone who boosts me up and loves me unconditionally. I made it to just before my 29th birthday before I found my opportunity and calling to make a career out of my passions. I kept thinking everyone around me is doing it right and I was doing it wrong. But the truth is that no one really knows what they're doing and all those people you are looking at as "doing it right" might not be as happy as we think they are.
As cliché as it sounds, it really is never too late. You just need to not give in and keep the hope alive. It might seem pointless, I know I felt it would always be a pipe dream but I think I've found the key. And the key is surrounding yourself with only positivity, get rid of those toxic people in your life. I know it can be hard, especially if those toxic people are family but it really did change my life for the better. It wasn't a magic fix, I didn't cut people out and have mental health completely healed (if only, right?) but it did send me on a new path. A path filled with love and confidence building so no matter how bad I felt I had cheerleaders and support.
It's easy to sometimes beat myself up and think if only I knew this earlier, how did I not know this earlier? Why did I live in denial for so long? But those thoughts aren't helpful and it's important that I try my full stopping technique and say no, I'm putting a full stop at the end of this sentence and it's over. Not continuing comma after comma. It might have took me a while but I'm here now, so lets enjoy it.
If you would like to read me talk about more secrets let me know. There's an endless supply out there.
If you would like to share a secret find out how below or follow this link to see a secret https://postsecret.com/
